First of all, I realize that I should include pictures with these posts. One day I will, I'm just not there yet. It's a time thing.
We had a good weekend (and beginning of the week, for that matter). On Saturday, we drove up to the Cochran's lake house to spend the day with our Hospitality/Connecting/Prayer team coaches and team leaders. The kids both fell asleep in the car (it's about a 2 hour drive) and then it hit me....we can listen to music that does not have a vegetable singing. I did the usual, grab the Lifehouse No Name Face CD. The look on David's face made it clear that he was not on board. Apparently, he does not enjoy listening to the same CD over and over and over again. I have had that CD since I was 18 and I have probably spent hundreds of hours listening to it. It was the CD that stayed in my CD player in the Probe, the Mustang, the Alero, the Accent, and now the Relay. It has seen some major life changes with me. I compromised and told David I would only listen to two songs and then we would switch to something we could both agree on. I am overly thankful that 700 WLW was not an does he listen to that all day???? We agreed on a Dave Matthews Band CD and life was good. One of my most favorite things to do with David is road trip it. I get horrible car sickness, but I still love it. We are forced to do nothing but listen to good music and talk. And now that we have kids, we have the bonus of being able to sit down for more than two minutes straight. It's wonderful.
When we arrived at the lake house, we made the decision not to head to the beach. Ella can not get lake water in her ears and Brady was still a little sleepy. So, we held down the fort at the house. We put the kids in their swimsuits and let them play in the baby pool. They had plenty of fun running around the yard and playing. Ella made every grown man try on her pink polka dot sunhat. Brady made a new buddy with Max. Later in the day, David told Brady he could only have a cupcake if he picked up the crayons. A minute later we heard him say, "Max, pick up the crayons". Max helped him out, I think because Brady told us that Max was his favorite :) It makes my heart burst when I see people that we love, love our kids.
On Sunday, we had a swim day at our friend, the Montgomery's, home. David has known Steve and Nicky for years, but I am still pretty new to the group. Steve and Nicky have two kids who are just wonderful and get along great with our kids. We noticed this last fall when we were at a mutual friend's home. So, I contacted Nicky a short time later and set up a playdate. David laughs because he swears I can not leave a place without having at least one playdate ready to go with someone new. I like people, what can I say??? Okay, so we spent the day swimming, helping each other out with the kids, and just enjoying each other. Another one of my most favorite things, having friends who jump in and help out your kids and you can do the same with theirs. Just one big family feel...I love it. After we had a few hours to swim and play, we headed up to Anderson days. Being at Anderson days confirmed a few things for me: 1) No matter what side of town you live on, there will always be girls who think it is okay to wear bikini tops and cut off jean shorts to festivals. This is not okay. 2) There will always be old men who think blowing cigarette smoke near the kiddy rides is okay. Really???? 3) The egg ride will always be the best.
Brady rode his first festival ride, the car carousel. He rode with Sam the first time and then went on his own the next time. He loved it and I was so proud. We finished the night off watching fireworks on the grass. I don't care how old you are, fireworks are always awesome. We were at the top of a hill and the kids were running up and down the hill the a lot of the time. Ella scooted down backwards, pretty wise. At one point, Brady took off down the hill and ran up the other side. At the top of that was a parking lot. I ran faster than I can remember to catch him. Adrenaline.
Monday was a down day at home. Just a lazy day of cleaning, laundry, reading books and letting the kids watch too much TV because we were so tired from the weekend. Then Monday night, I met my friend Karen and we looked through old photo albums. We have been friends since we were 16, so we had a lot of photos. It is funny looking at those pictures thinking that in just a few years, I would be working at a church. And loving it. It's funny how fast we can change. I am so glad that I am not in that place anymore and so thankful to have friends that have grown up with me.
Today we had our Tuesday standing playdate with Natalie and Toby. I am so thankful for those people. Natalie has become such a great friend over the past few years and our families get along so well. We can talk for hours and both have issues with how many blogs we follow. Toby is like a cousin to my kids and I love that. Brady talks about Toby in conversations all the time and it is so stinking cute.
After our playdate, I took the kids with me to get my haircut (they were shockingly well behaved), and then we met Amy here for dinner. Oh,by the way, you should totally go to Amanda Wendling-Morris to get your haircut at her new place. Okay, back to Amy. We have been friends FOREVER! She got married seven years ago and moved to Indiana, but she is finally home!!!! I look forward to spending a lot of time with her now that she is home. Her husband is still in Indiana (job thing), so until he gets a job here, I'm sure she'll be having many dinners with us. I love, love, love spending time with Amy. When David found out that she was moving back, he asked if he was ever going to see me again.
Okay, it's almost 1 a.m. David is up doing some work for his job and I am waiting on the oven to finish up. I hope the kids sleep in tomorrow!