Okay, so I am 16 days away from my big 3-0 birthday. When I look back on my 20s it is amazing to me what my life looked like when I turned 20 and what my life now looks like as I am turning 30. It seems like a whole lifetime ago. And it seems like just yesterday.
I am a goal setter. I like to achieve things and I always like to be moving forward and improving myself. I like to have a list where I can check things off and I like to consider myself a continuous work in progress. These things seem pretty opposite, but to me, they go hand in hand.
I am going to start using this blog as a place to “turn in my homework”. I have always done better with accountability, so this little place of mine will serve that purpose. My hope is that it will never appear as if I am saying “look at what I did!”, but will serve as a place where I can share some things that work for myself and my family and also a place where I can share what is not working. That is where you come in. I’d love to have your ideas and I also hope that I can encourage you along the way.
The idea that I have to check in here a few times a week will help me to make the most of each day because I will want to help you to do the same (wow, that sounds a little bit too much like an after school special). It will also help me to actually stay on top of editing and uploading my pictures. I am a firm believe that photos should still be printed out, labeled, and put in photo album, but I am behind on that...by 2 years (it looks like that is going on my project list). I also still do the old school baby books and am mainly on top of those. I do still need to buy one for Kinsley however
Okay, so here is my list of things I would like to accomplish during my 30th year (I have always consider my birthday more of a time to make New Year’s resolutions rather than actual New Year’s…procrastinator?):
1) Read the whole Bible this year. I have never read the Bible in a year and would like this to be a yearly tradition I start this year.
2) Lose my baby weight (and my married weight!). I had three babies in four years…two of those pregnancies requiring bed rest, so I gained more weight than I am happy with. I need to lose the weight so that I am my best self for my family.
3) Do one pinterest project a week. I know, this seems crazy, but not all of them will be super big.
4) Get out and explore what our city has to offer more.
5) Learn to cook better!
6) Write to my kids in their journals (we start a journal to each of them when we find out we are pregnant) once a week.
7) Get caught up on all of our photos.
8) Stick to our spending plan…pay off debt, start saving for things we have coming up, etc.
9) Declutter our home. Learn to live more simply.
10) Start an allowance system with the kids. Let them pick out groceries to donate at church (Brady asked that we do that with their tithe money).
What are your goals for the year? Any tips on how to achieve the goals I have listed for myself?
Wow-that is quite the list. Good Luck and I hope you are making progress daily :)